Gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 juli 2015
Vraag aan HvJ EU over ompakken van medische producten en opnieuw toevoegen merk op zelfde volume
HvJ EU 18 juni 2015, LS&R 1150; zaak C-297/15 (Ferring Lægemidler)Via Merkenrecht. Kan de merkhouder in rechte optreden tegen een parallel importeur die medisch product ompakt en merk opnieuw aanbrengt op verpakkingen die de merkhouder in datzelfde volume aanbiedt? Gestelde vragen:
1. Must Article 7(2) of Directive 2008/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks and the related case-law be interpreted as meaning that a trade mark proprietor may lawfully object to the continued marketing of a medicinal product by a parallel importer, where the importer has repackaged the medicinal product in a new, outer packaging and reaffixed the trade mark in a situation where the trade mark proprietor has marketed the medicinal product in the same volume and packet sizes in all EEA countries where the medicinal product is sold?
2. Will the answer to the first question be different if the trade mark proprietor in both the country of export and the country of import has marketed the medicinal product in two different packet sizes (10-piece packets and 1-piece packets) and the importer has purchased 10-piece packets in the country of export and repackaged them in 1-piece packets, on which the trade mark has been reaffixed before the products are marketed in the country of import?