Alle dossiers
Gepubliceerd op woensdag 27 januari 2021
LS&R 1907

Artikel ingezonden door Maarten Meulenbelt en Anne Robert, Sidley Austin.

Questions Raised by Cost Plus Pricing in EU Pharmaceutical Law

Maarten Meulenbelt en Anne Robert publiceerden het artikel Questions Raised by Cost Plus Pricing in EU Pharmaceutical Law. In dit artikel worden ook voorbeelden uit Nederland besproken.

Several stakeholders in the EU have called for a shift towards “cost-based” pricing for medicinal products, without thoroughly assessing the legal and economic implications. For many medicinal products, such a shift could turn the business case (net present value) negative. Such a shift raises questions of compatibility with the policy objective of fostering innovation, and questions of compatibility with EU law, especially if accompanied by a reduction in current product development incentives, or by comparisons to (or replacement by) unauthorised products.

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